NGP My Vote
Influences Everything

Young voters don’t believe their vote counts. Let’s make it personal.


New Georgia Project (NGP) is ‘a non-partisan effort trying to register and civilly engage the rising electorate in Georgia'. 

Challenge: Two months before the elections in 2022, NGP needed to convince young Black voters that their vote actually meant something, and that they urgently needed to turn out and vote. 

Murder Hornet created a bespoke team that partnered with the brand and civic consultancy Atlanta Influences Everything to create My Vote Influences Everything. 

A huge micro-influencer campaign, a song titled Lock In That Vote, a five part video series in a sneaker store called Kickin’ Politics, t-shirts, yard-signs, bumper-stickers.

NGP’s My Vote Influences Everything campaign was everywhere young voters were, and brought them to the polls like never before.